- Greg Scorzo—A Discussion of the Kalam Argument

C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)
World famous author for his fictional Christian works such as the “Chronicles of Narnia” and “The Screwtape Letters”, he was also a theologian.
- Three Presuppositionalist Arguments from C.S. Lewis
Other Refutations of C.S. Lewis
- Review of C.S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity”

Glenn M. Miller
Biblical theologian Glenn Miller and his web site on Christian doctrine.
No refutation
II. Organizations
Stand to Reason
This glossy site purports to train “Ambassadors” and contains numerous apologetics on a variety of topics.
- Rationalizing Evil Away: Koukl’s Theodicies
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Extensive Christian web site on Christian issues, apologetics and Bible difficulties.
- CARM’s Arguments: Rehashing the Simplistic
Other refutations of CARM:
- Contra CARM
Evidence for God and Science
Has a great deal of apologetics articles, including against atheism and evolution.
No refutation
Summit Ministries
A worldview-oriented ministry devoted to attacking the skeptic perspective, but only offers the theologial worldview as alternative. Summit is a good representant of the constructivist anti-reason worldview.
No refutation
III. Biblical/Qu’ranic Apologetics
Christian Science Evangelism
The home of noted Young-Earth Creationist Kent Hovind, this site has articles about various Creationist issues.
No refutation
Other Refutations of Kent Hovind:
- Analysis of Kent Hovind
The Ultimate Christian Apologetics WebSite
The home of G. Brady Lenardos.
No refutation
Other Refutations of G. Brady Lenardos:
- Historical Methods: Lenardos’ Framing the Misdirection
Reformation Ministries International
Presuppositionalist mostly concerned with Biblical apologetics, but also writes propaganda against naturalism.
No refutation
Russell M. Manion
Presuppositionalist, author of “The Other Side: Metaphysics and Meaning”.
No refutation
Examine the Truth
Nadir Ahmed of Examine the Truth is an emerging popular apologist for Islam. He has debated both Richard Carrier and Reginald Finley.
No refutation
Jesus Christ Saves Ministry
Site of Jason Gastrich, mostly concerned with Biblical apologetics.
No refutation
Other Refutations of Examine the Truth:
- About Jason Gastrich
Islamic Apologetics website dealing with cosmology, scientific study, and science in the Qu’ran.
No refutation